Thought for the Day

Good Morning,

Have a beautiful day. This thought is dedicated to the children and adults who were taken so tragically in Newtown Ct may they rest in peace.



Do your best………to live without judgement and to love unconditionally. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child and we have all seen the goodness that can happen when we care for and look after each other. Still, when we experience the trauma of betrayal and violence, the normal response is anger. Your anger is first directed at the offender and then at the people who might be responsible for allowing this to happen. It is during these times that we must find compassion….compassion is the ability to feel sorrow, coupled with a deep desire to alleviate pain. That compassion will fuel heart led solutions that will help to make the world a safer place and help those people who need help with their thoughts get better. Our differences sometimes make agreement hard to achieve; and yet we owe it to the lives we treasure and to those lost to find a way to come together and be better as a human race. We need to do our best and our best always starts with Love…………Dalai Lama said ” Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength. No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful an experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster.”


Lisa Scott

Scott & Associates Consulting Group

Life Coaches for Success