De-clutter your life……….it will give you a whole new lease on life. As we live our lives we accumulate baggage and clutter; these could include things that are “undone” a bunch of boxes stored in a spare room, relationships that are there but no longer bring joy, pursuits that are not aligned with your personal and professional strategy and busyness as you run from one commitment to another. If you can’t seem to get it together, if peace and relaxation can never seem to be achieved then there is a good chance that you have given too much of yourself away.
At times we compromise, over-compensate and give so much of ourselves that we no longer recognize where we have scattered all the pieces. We procrastinate bringing order to our lives and we promise ourselves “I’ll do that tomorrow” and the hill keeps growing. We cannot feel guilty about honouring and taking care of ourselves……it is important to get things done, to streamline our lives from time to time so that we are living with clarity and purpose. What better way to be important in the eyes of children and those around us; than to live your power so that they might observe and learn to live theirs.
Robin Sharma said “A clean sweep is a superb way to streamline, simplify and refocus your life. Delete what needs to be eliminated from your life – you will feel lighter, happier and your mind will experience more peace.”