Thought for the Day ~ When you lose in life, don’t lose the Lesson

Always do your best…….allow yourself to experience painful circumstances without becoming embittered by them.  In order to realize your own personal power you have to stand on your own two feet and take responsibility for your life.  You can duck, but you can’t hide from life.  The lessons will follow you until you listen.  As we listen to them, we need to do so with love and compassion for ourselves.  Nothing is served by using limiting statements or by beating yourself up for something that is in your past.  This is the time for healing.  Go within and connect with that part of yourself that knows how to heal. Not with avoidance, but with love. The best relationship we must have in life, is with ourselves. 

Nothing is more powerful than our internal speak, our view of the world, and how we interpret it. We need to be incredibly clear about our opinions, grounded in our own sense of identity, and very assertive about being us, so that we are not easily swayed by what others will think of us.  In times of turmoil, we must be true to ourselves, and listen with our hearts and minds to the lessons that come our way.  Every single thing that happens has come to teach us something.  Maybe it is that we can love, that we can forgive, and we can live through grief by giving ourselves time.  The past is the past, you can go there, but you don’t live there now. Each second on this earth is a gift.  Live here, live now, live in this moment.

Emmanuel said “By seeing them as lessons and not as retribution.  Trust life my friends.  However far afield life seems to take you, this trip is necessary.  You have come to traverse a wide terrain of experience in order to verify where truth lies and where your distortion is in that terrain.  You will then be able to return to your home centre, your soul self, refreshed and wiser.”

 By Lisa Scott Executive Coach