Make yourself a top priority…….or one day you will have lost your spirit. We justify not making ourselves a priority with all kinds of reasons…..but we need to examine what we say to ourselves to make it ok. If we are not authentic and truthful about what we need to “honour our soul” then we are not living to our potential.
Extreme Self-Care means that you accept the wisdom of looking after you, so that you can be there for those who depend on you. It means choosing to be in an environment that is positive with people who lift you up. A reluctance to do this, a propensity for staying busy is sometimes what we do when we don’t want to acknowledge a thought, a situation, a pain body or a nagging doubt. We tell ourselves that we are there for those who need us, that, that is our focus; and yet we yearn for things in our life and we quietly put them aside until……until….until.
If we truly love ourselves then we must take care of our spirit, our life must be a blend of looking out for others and doing the same for ourselves. Cheryl Richardson said “Don’t engage with people who leave you feeling drained. We need to allow our hearts to open, only sometimes. The only thing that stands between you living authentically is your discomfort with discomfort. Be masterful at honouring your soul. “