Thought of the Day

Good Morning,

Have an awesome day!



Always work for the greater good………do not be consumed with the narrow confines of your thinking; work in harmony with others to achieve lofty goals. Sometimes we become so compelled by our own personal needs and desires that we fail to realize they exclude some of the people around us. You cannot organize an event meant for thousands and cater to the needs of a dozen people; you cannot motivate people to achieve strategic imperatives without painting a picture and helping them to see the vision and how they can contribute; you cannot expect people to rally around an idea if it only benefits a few, but doesn’t meet the needs of many. We need to always endeavour to do the best possible thing, for the good of all concerned under most circumstances. So find your cause, be passionate, include many and make the world a better place…..not just your world. Madeleine Albright said “Embrace the faith that every challenge surmounted by your energy; every problem solved by your wisdom; every soul stirred by your passion; and every barrier to justice brought down by your determination will enable your own life, inspire others, serve your country, and explode outward the boundaries of what is achievable on this earth.”


Lisa Scott

Scott & Associates Consulting Group

Life Coaches for Success