Thought for the Day ~ By Lisa Scott Life Coach

Be honest with yourself about your relationships……..your well being and your opportunity to live your best life lies with the choices that you make in love.   When you love someone you conduct yourself in ways that not only honour them, but in ways that honour you.  You have the opportunity every day to give love to people through your good feelings and to leave them better than you found them. There is no such thing as a small act of kindness, every good deed creates a ripple that is endless in bringing joy.

It is so important to give our best to those we love, to share our true feelings and to love in a way that allows us to become masterful at honouring our soul.  In relationships the more that goes unsaid,  the more we say yes, when we want to say no, underscores that they are not relationships, they are arrangements.  You experience what you tolerate in life and so it is important to be your own best friend, to nurture your spirit and to set boundaries so that you love in ways that honour you and the other person. We all have emotional banks and they require us to make deposits…… is sending you a powerful message if the people you work with get your best and those you love get what is left.   

Iyanla Vanzant said “Love equally given and equally received is love equally shared.  Love can only exist between equals.  If one person is trying to get something from the other, if one person believes they have something that the other one lacks, if one person believes that the other person makes them something that they are not, the union is not grounded in love.  It is a disaster.”