Always do your best……when you lose in life, when you get a different result than the one you thought you would get, when things don’t turn out well, don’t lose the lesson. It doesn’t make sense to go through all that you did, only to do it again. So be mindful of your patterns, pay attention to the signs, and to the lessons that come with each day. There is formal education, and there is life education, both are important and integral to us living our best life. So don’t turn down the volume when life wants you to pay attention to it. Listen, and learn what you need to know to move forward productively, and positively. You will either live the same day over and over again, or you will pursue a life that is dynamic and invigorating.
The beaten path is the one that everyone else is on. So when a new path appears, don’t question it, don’t sabotage your happiness, step out in faith and allow the path to reveal your next adventure. Sometimes our need for certainty, and dependability locks us into relationships, jobs, or situations that are not bringing out the best in us. Be courageous, choose things that honour the best in you, and bring your best to the world. After all, if your success does not help you to grow as a person, does not open your mind to new adventures, aspirations, and insights, then it is not serving you. For no amount of worldly success will ever compensate for the lack of a quiet, contented, mind.
Cheryl Strayed said “Trust that all you’ve learned was worth learning, no matter what answer you have or do not have about what practical use it has in your life. Let whatever mysterious starlight that guided you this far guide you onward in the crazy beauty that awaits, and when the path reveals itself, follow it.”
By Lisa Scott Executive/Life Coach