Authenticity is where your personal power resides……..the closer your life is to your authentic persona, the more peace you will experience. When we accept something in our lives that is not aligned with who we are authentically; we are subjugating ourselves and that will always create stress. The bigger the gap between who you are authentically and the person that goes out into the world each day, the greater the stress. Freedom happens when we give ourselves permission to simply be who we are; when we can rejoice in our authenticity, when we perceive no risks in showing the world who we truly are.
To live authentically we need two things; we need the self-esteem to be able to set boundaries for what is acceptable and what is not, and we need the courage to step off the curb and begin living in a way that is aligned with who we are, what we value, while accepting that other people have the right to choose for themselves, and to choose differently from us and that is ok. Honour your own agreements; examine them regularly and ensure that they still serve you and your vision for who you are……what you value, and what you want to achieve in your life. Let your inner light shine and it will guide, protect, and supply you with everything you need. Remember conditions and circumstances do not define you… do.
Don Miguel Ruiz said “Just being ourselves is the biggest fear of humans. We have learned to live our life trying to satisfy other people’s demands. We have learned to live by other people’s points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.”
Executive Coach Lisa Scott @ Scott Associates Consulting Group