Thought for the Day ~ You can create a shift

Each moment is a new beginning… only dream of the person you want to become, is to waste the person that you are.  Life can overwhelm us at times.  During these moments we are inclined towards procrastination as we tell ourselves, “there is too much for me to cope with, so I will only focus on one thing at a time.” And then, slowly but surely we let the weeds grow up around our dreams.  We let our words take the place of our deeds.  We place our attention on the things that are working in our lives…..and we abandon the things we know we must change.  We allow small thinking to dominate and to a small thinker, everything looks like a mountain.                     

It is our desire for safety that stands against every great dream.  Security, many times, is the first step toward stagnation.  At the root of our need for security is our fear of what might happen.  So if you’ve made a decision that frightens you…..don’t go digging it up every five minutes to see if things have changed.  Your commitment to living your best life, must take precedence over your fears.  Because when we vacillate on our decisions, we get a life that is representative of  our indecision.  Conversely, when we make up our minds, and then take action to show our commitment to the shift.  Little by little, life mirrors our confidence and our commitments.  Without purpose, the only thing you can do is …..grow older.

Louise Hay said “The point of power is always in the present moment.  You are never stuck.  This is where the change takes place, right here, and right now in our own minds.  It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had a negative pattern, or an illness, a poor relationship, a lack of finances, or a lack of self-love.  We can begin to make a shift today.  Your problem no longer needs to be the truth for you.  It can now fade back to the nothingness from whence it came. You can do it.  Remember, you are the only person who thinks in your mind.  You are the power and authority in your world.  This moment is the point of power.  This moment is where the change begins.”

By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Coach