Always do your best………and think about what you want your life to stand for, what your legacy will be. Remember your legacy is not the material wealth you accumulate in your life time……it is what is left when you separate yourself from what you have to see who you are. We are so much more than what we accumulate and we can find meaning in our lives by understanding the connection between the work that we do and the lives that we touch. Few things energize the human spirit more than the desire to make a difference in the lives of others.
While many of us write goals to help us achieve things while we live, few of us think about what legacy we aim to leave when we die. Our legacy is created by how we live each day, how we show our love, how much we consider the bigger picture and not just the narrow confines of our own needs. When we think of our legacy…..we must remind ourselves that greatness is not deposited in us to stay, but rather to flow through us and into others. Because we make a living by what we earn, we make a life by what we give.
Robin Sharma said “Every person, to live truly and greatly, must define how he wants to live and what his brightest life will look like. We all need to have a statement on a piece of paper that we can revisit every morning while the rest of world is asleep that will serve as a moral compass to direct the choices of our day. This will serve as an anchor to lock us into our best moves. Without such a statement you will live your life by accident, reacting to whatever pops up.”