Say what you mean….and mean what you say. Too often we make promises to ourselves and to others and we don’t follow through on them. It isn’t so much that we are dishonest, but rather that we don’t hold our feet to the fire when it comes to following through and keeping our commitments. We may have sacred ground when it comes to keeping our promises to our children but we don’t have that same level of commitment to ourselves and to our friends. We keep an “I should” list in our minds and every now and then we take it out and review it…..we feel the disappointment that comes from not keeping our promises to ourselves and to our friends and then we tuck it away for another day.
Quite simply the longer we resist facing whatever it is, the easier it is to forget that we are equipped to change it. So the next time you review your list……take a promise from it and keep it; then keep a little bigger commitment to your health and wellness, then keep a promise to a friend…..and eventually your sense of honour and integrity will become greater than your procrastination. Great lives are built when we build great relationships with ourselves and with those we love…..great relationships are built on trust, faith, and love. Today trust that you can have faith in yourself….and love your way to keeping your promises.
Robin Sharma said “Saying things we don’t really mean becomes a habit when we practice it long enough. The real problem is that when you don’t keep your word, you lose credibility. When you lose credibility, you break the bonds of trust. And breaking the bonds of trust ultimately leads to a string of broken relationships. We live in a world of broken promises. We live in a time when people treat their words lightly. We tell a friend we will call her next week for lunch knowing full well we do not have the time to do so…..and we promise ourselves this will be the year we will get into shape and simplify our lives, without any real intention of making the deep life changes necessary to achieve those goals.”