Thought for the Day ~ Choices Matter

Always do your best…… your heart and mind to become more aware of your feelings and the choices that you make each day.   The reality is that we teach people how to treat us, by how we treat ourselves, and by what we will tolerate from those around us.  The energy that we give to what we do determines if our actions are healthy or unhealthy.  Strain, struggle, frustration, tension, anxiety, compulsion, obsession, and fear are the results you get when you are pushing too hard.  Ignore those feelings and you will pay for it with your health and wellness.

It is easy to become an obsessive doer….where you have so much to do that the very qualities that drive you toward success are the qualities that create tension and frustration in your days. So it is important to find moments of peace, when you can be alone with your thoughts and your feelings. Each of us must get to that place where we can trust ourselves enough to open ourselves up for review and examination.  It is essential to our well being that we find a way to see and acknowledge what is happening inside.  Then we can choose to move beyond those feelings and make choices that honour the truth of who we are…..

Robin Sharma said “Never minimize feelings…..feelings are the doorways into your soul and they must be acknowledged and then felt to completion.  Feelings carry important information and serve to foster your self-relationship if explored fully.  To deny them is to deny a natural part of you.  To pretend that you are not feeling what you are feeling would be a very unhealthy thing to do, both psychologically and physiologically. Swallowing your feelings leads to dis-ease.”

 By Executive Coach ~ Lisa Scott