Good Morning,
Happy Wednesday. Have a beautiful day. Enjoy.
Today’s Challenge ~ Do not focus on the fruits of your labour. Put your energy and passion into” the doing” and the fruit will take care of itself.
Always do your best…….the thoughts that come out of stillness and reflection serve you best. They remind us that we are more than the part of us that wants to win. We all have ego, but some got a double dose and that makes it hard for people to be around them. Because when we are driven by ego, everything is a competition. There is no pause button in the egoic mind as it insatiably feeds itself by comparing everyone and everything. Moreover, the egoic mind does not have the ability to hold the mirror up and see what others see. It cannot accept any negative feedback about its performance, even if that feedback is given constructively. In the world of an unchecked ego… people become pawns in a game of never enough, and the environment is frenetic and exhausting.
Complaining and reacting are the favourite tools of the ego. This is how it strengthens itself ….how it makes itself right, and others wrong. Unmanaged, it causes organizational and life whiplash through charging ahead and then slamming on the brakes. As leaders we have to mindful. We have to have the ability to step outside of ourselves and see what we need to see. The only way that we can have the discipline to do this, is by managing our ego. By slowing ourselves down long enough to form a response rather than always reacting to external conditions. Humility allows us to take responsibility for the present moment; it gives us time to reflect on a course of action that is well thought out and mindful. Our development is a life long journey and being present and thoughtful is something that we must nurture. Remember, when you slow down, you can see what is catching you up.
Eckhart Tolle said “By giving your full attention to this moment, an intelligence far greater than an egoic mind enters your life. When you live through the ego, you always reduce the present moment to a means to an end. You live for the future, and when you achieve your goals, they don’t satisfy you, at least not for long. That mentally constructed self feels incomplete and precarious. That is why creating fear and wanting are its predominate emotions and motivating forces. The egoic mind has a compulsive preoccupation with the future, always seeking to make itself feel more complete. But, when you give more attention to the doing than to the future result that you want to achieve through it, you break the old egoic conditioning. Your doing then becomes not only a great deal more effective, but infinitely more fulfilling and joyful.”
By Lisa Scott ~ Executive /Life Coach