Always do your best………choose to honour yourself and your health. You can’t control how much time you have in a day, but you can control its impact by choosing wisely. We all have things we want to do, need to do, and have to do. Our problems arise when all of our focus and time is consumed by the things we have to do. Once we are impossibly busy we tell our stories of jam packed days…..with no time for anything else, including ourselves. It is as if we are paid for stamina. You are not doing anyone any favours when you overlook your own health and wellness in favour of others, even your family. There is nothing to be ashamed of in taking care of yourself. The best of us make sure we schedule regular me time.
So stop complaining, stop listing all the things you aren’t getting to…..and work it out, schedule them, and feel the joy that can come from accomplishing some of your personal goals. We are the makers of our own prison, we stop ourselves regularly from doing what we know we need to do, in order to bring harmony into our lives. When we are overcommitted, it is a sign that there is a deficit of self-value, self-worth, and self-esteem. When all of the good energy we have is going into one place or person then we have lost life’s compass and it is time to reclaim our sense of direction. By all means, be there for others, but be there for yourself too. All givers must recharge their batteries by setting aside intervals for simple pleasures, and personal passions. Loving and caring for yourself is always the best place to start….then you can clear the debris and begin anew.
Robin Sharma said “Stop complaining and start living. Stop complaining about having no time for yourself and get up an hour earlier. Stop complaining about not being able to exercise given all that is on your plate. If you are not as fulfilled or as happy or as prosperous or as peaceful as you know you could be, stop blaming your parents, the kids, or the economy or your boss and take full responsibility for your circumstances. Make wiser choices about the thoughts you will allow to enter your mind, as well as the attitude you will bring and the things you will commit to. This will be the first step to a completely new way of looking at your life.”
By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach