Honour your life-journey……….by seeking harmony with all that you do. Life is interdependent in nature……and so we must strive to have harmony in our lives. No one aspect of your life should get more attention or passion than the other. It does not make sense to give all of your energy to your day and have nothing left to give to your evening. To give the precious gift of your time to those you work with……and have no time for those you live with; you have the inherent right to determine what goes on in your own life. You are the one who make the choices and decides what your boundaries are, and who gets to join you on this life journey. Exhaustion is not a badge of honour, it is a symptom of your impending meltdown.
Sometimes we like to forget that we are in charge…..we act as if our busy lives are completely imposed on us. While we can’t choose a lot of what happens, we can choose how we are going to respond to it. Our inner authority is the producer of our life movie….and the guardian of our authentic identity. One of the purposes in life is to awaken to this aspect of our being. To be committed to that authentic self and to celebrate it in all that we do. It is impossible for us to stand in our authenticity if we make the needs, demands, acceptance and approval of others more important than our own inner voice. The intent of the journey has always been to find our way back to our core….the place where love resides, and fear dies. The place we knew before we got lost.
Iyanla Vanzant said “Seek Harmony…….what I know now is that harmony is a higher principle than balance. Very often, as we strive to achieve balance, we actually create an environment for the polarity, or opposite, which is imbalance. Harmony means creating a life in which everything gives to and supports every other aspect of your life. Creating harmony encourages us to give time and share time with others doing those things that are life-affirming, life-supporting, and life-enhancing. It requires that your mind and heart, your work and play, your physical reality and spiritual reality enhance each other and add value to others.