The only way out is through…….there are times when we do not recognize the need to move; there are times when we keep putting off what we know that we need to do, hoping that things will work out. The problem is when life is ready to move forward and we resist, life will move forward by any means necessary. Resistance closes your mind and your heart and when they are closed you have no way to enter your consciousness, no way to do the inside work that you may need to do. An open mind allows you to feel what you are feeling and that is a necessary step because you can’t know what you are thinking until you know how you are feeling. Being honest with our feelings allows us to view challenges and difficult times as an opportunity to break through, and opening your heart allows you to embrace change and move ahead with confidence that all will be well. Iyanla Vanzant observed “In the midst of a difficult or challenging situation, don’t shut down, open up! Just when you think you can’t take any more, do any more, or be any more, don’t give up. Open up! When it looks like everything is falling apart, start rebuilding…..the only way to get to the next level is to go there.”