Thought for the day – By Lisa Scott


Good Morning,

Happy Thursday! Remember to start every day with gratitude.


Happiness is not something we find externally…….it is something that resides in each of us. Inside each of us is the power to be our best and we access that by choosing to live in harmony. Some will seek happiness in acquiring things, some will set lofty goals for personal prosperity in their careers and finances, and some will realize that none of these things really define who we are. If you strip away your title, your possessions, your money what you have left is what the world sees.

You are not what you have acquired you are what you think, feel, say, and do. Once the time for formal education is finished; we pursue personal development by reading a variety of self-help books, and seeking out people that motivate us to a higher level of thinking, this is only valuable if we take the time to apply the lessons that resonate with us. Reading only creates awareness of what is possible, making a commitment to applying the learning, ensures that you move ever closer to your best life, one that is characterized as happy. Mahatma Gandhi said “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”