Thought for the day ~ By Lisa Scott

Good Morning,

Make every day count………your life is not a dress rehearsal. Some days we are full of energy, while on others we feel like we are pushing ourselves all day. We will experience low energy days and when we do we have to stop and look at how we started the day, usually we can see a pattern of too much focus on diving into our life and not enough focus on our bodies, minds, and emotions.

A few minutes each morning to gently start your day, to summon the energy that you want to have for that day and to mentally commit to doing your best with only the best of intentions for the day ahead, is a great investment in you.  Our lives are meant to bring us enjoyment even when we are fulfilling our purpose and responsibilities, but if we are always running, then we are on auto-pilot, skimming the tops of the trees and never experiencing what is possible when we are truly present and bringing our best to those around us.

So this morning, take the time to be present, give thanks for the goodness that lies ahead, and place an order of intention for an amazing day where you will do your best.  Radmacher said “Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day, saying I will try again tomorrow.”