Always do your best……….listen to the soft voice of spirit that says yes you can. Too often when we contemplate our lives……we allow our personality to give us direction. It is like a back seat driver that is always giving advice, looking over our shoulder and questioning our abilities and sense of personal direction. It is important to recognize that our spirit believes in us, it knows where we need to go, and what we need to do. When we listen to the incessant chatter in our head that comes from our personality we can be steered way off course. We can lose our connection with spirit.
Fear feeds our personality while hope is fed by our spirit. When we turn our power over to fear, it is smart, it knows that if it can get inside your head it can stop you from doing almost anything. Fear will try to convince your spirit that you cannot make change, that you cannot live your best life, that you are doomed to live the same existence forever. When we are at the point that we are holding onto things and people out of fear of what will happen if we don’t……we have allowed our personality to be the strongest voice we hear. Today listen for the soft whisper of your spirit. Believe it when it tells you that you must support and nurture your best life. By letting yourself receive, you tune into the universe’s music, which steadily pulsates harmony, restores your soul, and brings peace to your world.
Iyanla Vanzant said “Here is an interesting concept that could help you the next time you are faced with a challenge that you believe you cannot handle. Your personality is the passenger, not the driver. Your spirit is the driving force of your life. Most people believe it is their personality that matters. As a result, there are things they believe they cannot do or things they will not do because such things don’t fit their personality. But, as long as they insist on listening to the passenger, they will end up getting lost. Your spirit is the only true navigational force in your life.”