Always do your best…….walk through your days with love and then you will find peace. There is a divine relationship between love and peace. A relationship that will bring miracles to our lives once we master it. To walk with love we must see the world with loving eyes. Judgment cannot sneak into our vision and our vocabulary; acceptance that we live in a place that everyone is free to have their own beliefs, opinions, and dreams must reign supreme. For after all if we wish for acceptance for ourselves then we must extend it to those around us. On those days where you go out of your way to smile and give a kind word to everyone who crosses your path… can feel the love in the air.
You are generating energy, good vibes, and good feelings. As you extend your love and kindness to the world….peace descends upon you and those you touch. Anyone who wishes you the best of the holiday season, even from their own beliefs, still has an intention of wishing you well. So harness that good energy and pass it along as you move through your day. Remember happiness is a state of being that you create. It is a choice that comes from within, no matter what is happening around you. Be the beacon of this emotion today in order to inspire and guide others to choose it for themselves as well. Take time to love…. it is the most powerful medicine on earth.
Iyanla Vanzant said “I will know peace when…..I understand that love and peace work hand in hand. Love is the only experience that replaces fear. Peace is the result. Love is the experience of taking in the breath of life, without fear. Peace is the result. When you know that you can handle all things in love. Peace is the result. When you love yourself through every experience without fear of where you are going. Peace is the result. Peace is the helpmate of love. When you commit yourself to loving all and doing all in love. Peace takes care of everything else. Today I am devoted to loving myself and all others in a peaceful way.”
By Executive/Life Coach Lisa Scott