Always do your best………listen to the whispers of your soul. As each new day dawns, we are presented with the opportunity to be a little more of ourselves. Our authentic light shines through and gives us a glimpse of what is possible. It shows us all the unique and wonderful talents that we have; and it nudges us to share them and bring them with us everywhere we go. At times we become entangled with the end result, the bigger goals. We place all of our focus and energy on the end game. When what we need to do is focus our energy on the work. When love goes into the work instead of the results…..we create a shift.
With this approach you will find a renewed spirit, and a can do attitude. Little by little as you listen to your souls desires……. your heart will be in touch with every part of your being. Success can never be obtained by mastering only one part of your life. So if one part of your life soars; while the others suffer, it is time to take heed. Put love into the parts that need it; take loving action in every area of your life. It is important to realize that peace is less of a destination than a manner of travelling. The greatest creative discovery any of us can make is that we can alter our lives by altering our state of mind.
Rebecca Campbell said “Your soul is eternally calling you in the direction of your highest path. Answering your soul’s calling is not about a single revelation; rather it is a lifelong dance. Your soul knows the way and so is always calling you in the direction of your highest path. But in order for your highest calling to be revealed you first need to act on all the little calls along the way. It’s impossible to find the bigger calling without first answering the daily callings of your soul. Are you holding off answering the whispers, because you are trying to work out your highest calling first. In other words wanting to know the end destination before taking the first steps.”
By Lisa Scott Executive Life Coach